
Taking side!

When it comes to controversial matter, we usually will tend to take side or have a stand. When there are two sides to the bargain, I think it only human to take side. In the case of two in the wrong, we will take the lesser evil. Compared to homosexual person, a rapist would be considered worse than a homosexual because when two grown-up people voluntarily engage in their private relationship , then what they do are pertaining to themselves whereas in the case of rape it is a crime against the one forced to a rape. So also when a woman who is unmarried has a relationship with a man also unattached, when there is any exposure to the public of their intimacy due to leakage of private photoes, the guilt is not so much compared to the case of rape and murder of a woman. That is why when the blogger makes hue and cry over the former while keeping deaf and dumb to the latter, I wonder whether he is sensible or just pretends to be fair (to both sides as he stated in his blog). It is a real pity that he makes no differentiation between the outright murder and the leaking of a private photo.

