
A Hopeless Person

I regret very much indeed I have to cope with a very sinister character for a long time. This particular person likes to give very poor opinion of others especially those not to his likings. He paints very bad pictures of others and expect others to support him. Even after facts and figures are supplied to refute his allegations, he would still not accept the truth as truth. He thinks himself as good as saint but we know he is actually very narrow minded self-centered person thinking nothing of smearing others all along. He is neither happy nor healthy because of his perpetual negative attitude and he has practically no sincere friends at all. I don't know how to help him as he is rather diehard and impervious to even the most sincere advice. Well, I think the best thing is still to ignore him and help ourselves from being influenced by all the bad emotions and negative attitude so as to live a happy life in the remaining golden years.


A Buddhist Thought?

A friend who has been sending me a lot of messages with forwarded songs,pictures, video clips etc recently sent me some messages which strongly smell of Buddhist ideas and thoughts which seem to be appealing to the good nature and general love and mercy which form the essence of Buddhist thinking. I cannot agree with him on the thought as I don't believe in Christianity also. Although the love and mercy for all mankind is not a new idea yet there is a strong sense of justification for the injustice and unfairness of the present systems of government and it is also wrong not to put the main thing into focus, the world is full of crimes and injustices and it can only be righted and cleansed if we go against the root of the poison ivy--- the abuse of powers by political gangs!


Positive Attitude Towards Life

When we are now busily engaged and absorbed by all discussions on the subject of good food, exercise and long life, I think it appropriate to put some emphasis on the spiritual aspect. It is quite relevant to healthy life style to pay great attention to our mental health too. To be able to meet all challenges of life, we need to have a very optimistic view in life. There are always friends and foes around and of course there are people who we do not have contact nor any relationship. It is the enemies that we have to deal with to the best we can. Enemies are those who have done wrong to us or are not in good relationship with us due to one reason or the other. The best thing is to forget about them unless they intrude into our lives for some reason or other. For those who are malicious or mischievous, it is best to treat them as rubbish dumper which tries to dump the dirty garbage onto us. We can just ignore them and clean off whatever they throw. Our positive and optimistic attitude can do a lot to keep us health as anger, malice and grudge will eat away our spirit leaving behind harmful tocsin. Act immediately and start cleaning off any rubbish thrown by unwanted elements and our mind would resume the calm and balanced state of mind indusive to good health!