
The Results Come Out!

It is very happy to see the defeat of the independent candidates in the urban areas and true to my prediction they have lost and some even lost their deposits. The snake party can now die its natural death being soundly rejected by the people of Sarawak. But there is still big worry that because of ignorance, illiteracy and very backward living conditions without any resources, the rural poor are deprived of their rights and fair share of the nation's wealth and resources. While the whales and crocodiles grabbed all the lion's shore of the nation's resources and wealth, only bones and scraps were thrown to the rural poor to fool them like giving sweets to children. They have been deliberately kept in poverty and ignorance so as to be utilized for window dressing to keep a semblance of democracy. Anyway, we have the duty to eradicate the injustice by doing our part to fight for better education and development in the rural areas especially the ulu areas so as to be able to bring democracy and justice to them so that they would not be the fixed deposits of the corrupt regimes.

