
Greed !

Politicians having tasted the enjoyments brought by their ill-gotten wealth would never relinquish such privileges and special rights even at the point of imminent downfall. The past president of Tunisia and now Mubarah or Egypt, Yemen and many more would never learn from history and would try their utmost to retain their posts at the cost of bloodshed and eventual dooms for themselves too. The past PM of our country namely Dr.M M is a peculiar and shameless corrupt leader who is still slinging onto some huge projects with the help of his henchmen who have been faithfully stealing the coffers of the nation and pay very faithfully to their master who has repeated belittled the other races while highlighting the contribution of his own race to give special rights for the allegedly peace and harmony among races . We all know he couldn't care less for any putras etc and bent on his own interests and wealth . Just imagine he still manages to hold on some projects serviced by his cronies among whom is a bankrupt thick-skinned enough to advertise recently that he has managed to complete a huge project in one State. Dr.M has admitted that he thinks Tunku is a fool to allow Singapore to join Malaysia thus to jeopadise the position of Malays as the dominant race in our country. At least this crook is honest enough to admit his racial bias to give a bullshit to 1 Malaysia slogan which is meaningless anyway.

