
A time comes when you have only memories to recall

I remember having read in some news about the matter of growing old. When it comes to a time of your golden age, you would find little to do and not much to interest you. Then it is a time of recollection of old things, old friends and places. In one TV short advertisement, it depicts an old man saying " Now that I am old, I find that many friends and contacts are no longer in this world and others are just not leaving a trace in my sea of memories. No wonder I now see so many recollection , photoes, old new cuttings,and even old songs and tunes of the good old days to refresh the cherished past and share with old acquaintances though they are few left.Is it a sad or melancholy thing to say? I don't know and would not bother to find out either. Let us all have day dreams and fancies of the good old times.

